Tuesday 15 November 2011

Knocked- Off, Kardashian Style?

I get it and it's actually very smart-- once someone becomes famous for being famous, it's time to capitalize on that fame and make some serious moolah. And that's exactly what the Kardashian sisters did. *Mama K knows best, I tell ya!* Don't get me wrong, I love these girls-- they are seriously entertaining to watch and reality shows like that can't get any more realistic... Not :)

And then they ventured into bags. There could only be 2 results= either they hit the mark, or they miss it entirely. The sisters reportedly said they worked very closely together on the designs for each bag. 

*Bitch Mode Alert in 3...2...* I'm sure they spent a lot of time meeting up and working on the designs-- with other designer bags in mind. Sorry girls, I love you, but your bag collection is just plain insulting to the brands you (consciously... or wait, was this all a coincidence? lol) paid homage to. 

Kan you say Knockoff with a Kapital K, please? Note that some bags resemble their designer counterparts more than the others. But tell me, oh please tell me they were NOT thinking of those bags when they were studiously designing them? I put their bags next to their designer counterparts for good measure. I know the designer bags don't deserve this (and the brands will most likely not be happy about the side by side comparison), I'm sorrrrrry. But I have to prove my point here.

Here goes!

Bag # 1: At least this is not that similar. K's has that hideous zipper like it's about to reveal a boob or something. LOL.  The inspiration is there somewhere though.
I'm not even going to bother posting the Balenciaga lookalike anymore. Bottomline, I just can't. Sure, there are so many bags out there that are designer- inspired. Loads, in fact! But please Kardashian girls, don't attempt to make a "quick buck" through shortcuts like this. You girls obviously know you will "sell". I had just hoped you'd have put more effort into the creative process when you design your merchandise. At least give that to your fans. I'm a fan, but there's no way I'll buy any of the bags above-- it was not a well- thought out collection. Disappointed is not even a word that can articulately describe my sentiment. 

Before I end this rather snarky post about the bags, I still want to end it on a good note because I'm really not one to hang on to a negative mood. So here goes--  really, there is one good thing about this whole collection-- the price points. :) Now knock yourselves out! LOL


  1. Now knock yourselves out! LMAO!!! You are funnier than Khloe. :))

  2. read this article on yahoo shine : http://shine.yahoo.com/channel..., it says Monica Botkier already sent them a cease and desist letter for one of her handbags they knocked off...

  3. wow! this is a lot. i think they should have been more careful.

  4. the K's really make a hit from those bags. Please give them some credit i don't believe those bags are similar in any way


  6. how could they? what a shame

  7. WOW! wonders shall never cease.

  8. I love the kardashian collection sha

  9. maybe they thought people won't find out.

  10. the bags may look very similar but the price will surely varies

  11. hello Racheal! that was a good research Job but you see i don't like the Kardashian so i don't give a fuck about their realty show. i only pity those designers bags they Knocked off.
